
Showing posts from November, 2020

Financial Spread Betting Help

One of the great advantages of Financial Spread Betting over investing in equities directly is the ability to place bets that effectively both 'buy' and 'sell' stocks, without ever having to actually own any. So now instead of only looking for stocks that we believe will rise in price, we can make just as much money on stocks that we believe are going to fall in price. Just think, twice the opportunity! So, in an environment where we can make money on stocks going up or down, we soon realise that the only thing we can't make profit on is stocks that stay the same. So fundamental to our strategy is clearly to find stock that will change in value, and our prized stock are the 'movers', those that change value rapidly. Whilst it may be true that stocks and share prices can 'drift' with market sentiment over time, the biggest movements arise from information about the company somehow finding its way into the market. That could come in the form of a news